Derek Alexander red handbag

See for yourself why everybody loves Derek Alexander!

We carry a large selection of Derek Alexander bags, purses, handbags, backpacks, and even wallets for men and women. These products come in a variety of styles, colours, and sizes to match any outfit, preference, or lifestyle.

You may already own one of these amazing products and are coming back for another one. On the other hand, maybe you have never heard of them before and are coming in to take a look. However, as soon as you feel one and see for yourself the quality and value of these items you’ll understand why we have been a top Canadian seller of this brand and will just have to go home with own one!

From a modest beginning in Calgary, Derek Alexander rapidly became the number one leather handbag line in Canada. In 2020 they celebrated their 32nd anniversary. They are fortunate to enjoy a reputation for quality and value which is hard to find in their industry.


Derek Alexander Handbags and Wallets

Features on why to buy a Derek Alexander product:

Multi Functional Compartments

Functionally designed for everyday use with multiple compartments; card slots, cell phone pockets, zippers, and even magnetic entry pockets for easy and convenient access.

Exceptional Quality

Made using full top grain cowhide. Slowly rolled in vegetable-based dyes and other natural tanning agents to provide rich character and feel.

Lifetime Warranty

Each product is backed by an amazing lifetime warranty so you have peace of mind that if something breaks or needs attention, you are covered.
Bags and Wallets